Help raise awareness to protect health, promote voluntary change and build support for legislation.
Talk to Your
Family, Friends & Neighbors The people you know and care about may not know about the health, hearing and environmental impacts of gas leaf blowers. Spread awareness so they can choose alternatives to protect their households, neighbors and lawncare workers from uneccessary exposures and noise.
Spread the Word! |
Talk to Your
Lawncare Service Help lead the transition to quieter cleaner practices. Ask your lawncare service to go electric, minimize the use of blowers and oversized gas-fueled equipment-- and practice Low-Impact Lawn Care. Lawn care services will save on gas and maintenance, breathe cleaner air and reduce noise.
Say NO to unneccessary blowing! |
Talk to Your
Community & Leaders Write letters, post on social media, speak to your Schools, Churches, Groups and Council Members about Gas Leaf Blowers.
Make them aware of the Harms. Make them aware of Alternatives. Make them aware you Care! |
Just Say NO to loud & polluting Gas Leaf Blowers.